Create new access requests

Waving Hand Sytex user!

if you reached this page, it's cause maybe you need use our system of site access request. Let's check in few lines how to use this feature.

Site access it's a new feature that we added recently with the aim to facilitate and automate control and approval process for ingresess to a technical location (be it sites, towers, shelters, etc.).

If you are a Sytex user and you need to generate a site access request, just must know what follows:
  • Site to which for the request: you can search it for it's name, operator code, propietary code, etc.
  • Intervention type: maintenance, audit, facilities control, etc.
  • Date and hour of intervention.

With this simple data, you are set to create a new request. Now, let's see in images how to on Sytex:

At the next window you'll be able to search for created requests, by helping you with Sytex filters to speed up your search. Also, you could create a new request clicking at + in the left bottom corner:
This it's the image that you will see when creating a new request:
  • Client: company where you belongs
  • Site: remember that you can search it for code or name
  • Type of intervention: select from the dropdown the correct option
  • Start and End date and hour for the site visit
  • Click on "+ add" to generate the request

Once generated the request for an specific site, you'll see an image as it's follow:
  • Make sure to complete the list of technicians that will assist, in order the approver give his ok
  • When complete start and end date and hour, if the site already have others visit requests you will see it in the orange box
  • Once completed this info, you can click on "Submitted" at the top right corner to make sure that this request will reach the person responsible to approve it

Would you like to see in a quick view recently created requests?

Try with "My site access requests" widget:

In case that the previous widget don't show up at your Sytex desktop, you can add it on this way:

Do not doubt to contact us at  if you have any inquire or suggests about this topic and other Sytex features!