To quickly create users in Sytex, follow these steps:
Open Sytex and click on the "Create user" button in the taskbar.
In the creation form, select the type of user you want to create.
"From your company" to create a user from your own company.
"From a provider" to create a user from a provider.
Specify the team of your organization they work for.
This will help determine where each license is assigned within your company.
If you don't know, you will likely find a Workspace named the same as your company, choose that one!
Fill in the user's information.
Name: The user's full name.
Email: The user's email address.
License type: The type of license the user will have.
Specify their role or profile
You now have two options to assign roles to a user:
OPTION 1: Fill in Role and Permissions:
Specify the role the user will have
Specify the context in which they will have that role: General, Workspace, Project, or Provider.
OPTION 2: Copy Roles from another user: By selecting an existing user, the new user being created will receive all the same permissions as the "copied" user.
Click on the "Create user" button and you're done!
The user will receive an email with a link to create their password and access Sytex.
Copy Roles from Another User
In the latest version of Sytex, a new feature has been added that allows you to copy roles from one user to another. To do this, click on the "Copy roles" button in the creation form. This will allow you to copy the roles from an existing user to the new user you are creating.
The great utility of this functionality is being able to create a user with multiple roles!
Some considerations when copying roles from another user:
The "source" and "new" user must be of the same type.
That is: a provider user can only be copied from another provider user
It is possible to copy users from different providers:
If the source user A is from contractor Telesoluciones, and the user to create is from contractor Exsei, the same roles will be copied from the source, but for contractor Exsei.
An important consideration when copying users:
For security reasons, you cannot assign permissions that you do not have. This would create problems since a user could create an administrator user!
If you cannot create a user due to a lack of permission, check two things:
If you can assign that permission to any of your roles:
Maybe you have the profile to have that permission, but you haven't activated it
Ask your company's administrator for help.
The administrator can:
Create the user for you
Assign you a new special permission (with great care!) to be able to assign permissions that you don't have.
Option to create multiple users at once
If you want to create multiple users at once, you can do so by clicking on the "Add another user" button. This will allow you to add a new user to the creation form.
Add a caption...
Option to create users massively > Importer
If you need to create many users, you can use the import tool. To do this, click on the "Create multiple" button. This will redirect you to the import tool, where you must complete the same fields in column form to create users massively.
Or you can also enter directly into the import tool.
It is important that when creating a user, you know the type of activities you expect them to see or do. Based on that, you will need to configure the type of role(s) to complete the creation.
If you create a user from a provider, make sure to indicate the corresponding provider.
If you need to add more roles to a user, you can do so by opening the created user's profile and the roles tab.
When creating a user, you may see an alert indicating a lack of available licenses. If this happens, contact Support to acquire more licenses and be able to use them for new users.