Forgot my Password

Don't despair! With a few simple steps, you can recover your password. You will need to access the Web platform, enter your email address, and click on the Forgot your password? option, which is highlighted in light blue, below the password field.
If you choose "Continue", an email will be sent to your mailbox with sender  containing a 6-digit code.

Attention! The code expires in 24 hours. If you already have the code, you must click on "I already have a validation code".

Once you receive the code, go back to Sytex, and complete your email, verification code, and your new password.

Remember, it must contain at least:
  • 8 characters
  • One uppercase letter
  • One number
  • One non-alphanumeric character such as an asterisk (*) or an exclamation mark (!)

(An example of a valid password is Sytex2022**)

Ready! Once you recover your password, you will have secure access.

Description of each step you need to take to recover your password!