Milestones are very useful to visualize the degree of progress of the project on which we are working. They give us an overview of the most important points of the process. In turn, it enables us to unify two different processes.
¿ What are the milestones ?
Milestones allow us to divide a workflow into phases. These phases allow us to visualize quickly and efficiently in which part of the WBS is the task that we have to control. With the milestones you will be able to push tasks that are needed because they are behind schedule and reassure us if things go as expected.
If we look at the following panel view, the different work structures will show the milestones represented with green dots showing their level of progress.
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A workflow template with milestones will look like this:
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In this example we can see four milestones scheduled for the specific WST we are working on.
It is possible to set different types of milestones. For this, we must enter the settings menu found in the lower left corner, and select 'Milestone types', and then create one by pressing the button with the '+ Add milestone type' sign in the lower right margin of the pop-up window. The data that you will ask us for is the Name of the milestone and the person in charge of it.
Acceso a configuraciones, tipos de hito
Then we'll set up the milestones in our WBS template. Once there, we must go to the 'Milestones' option on the left of the window, with the possibility of creating a new milestone by pressing the button with the '+' sign.
The data that will be required for its creation are:
Milestone type
The most frequent is to define the milestones in the WBS template, and additionally you can edit the milestones of a particular WBS
We will be able to associate one or more tasks or establish conditions through the completion rules, which will give the milestone its quality. For this, we must position ourselves on the milestone that we want to configure, selecting the 'Completion rules' option. There we will create a condition that will be applied to the milestone.
Ventana de configuración de las reglas que luego marcarán como completado un hito
When viewing the Workflows reports, we will find a bar chart showing the work structures by milestone, which will give us the possibility to see all our projects and their progress status in general.