Form management

This article is designed so that in as few lines as possible, you understand how forms work and are managed in Sytex.

What is a form? 🤔

The forms have the purpose of loading information with a specific format in a predefined template. The data can be uploaded from a mobile or PC as specified by the template.

The type and number of fields to complete in each form are defined in the form template. Each field must be completed with a question and preset format for its corresponding answer.

How to create a form? 📋

To create a form you need to browse and select a template, then upload project, task, network element or affected sites and projected date. Each form has a requesting role or user and a contractor and/or assigned users who will be responsible for completing it.

Form statuses 💡

Each form can go through different states that will indicate the level of processing of the same. Depending on the state, the form will be the responsibility of the requesting group or the contractor.
  • It will be possible to work on the forms in offline mode to complete them locally on the mobile, and when connected it will be synchronized "only".

Fill out and submit forms from the Sytex app 🤳

Upon entering the app, you will first see a section called "YOUR APPLICATIONS" where it will allow you to search for the specific group.
You will also see a summary of Tasks or Forms that were assigned to your user.

Once inside the form, in order to complete it first, it must be in the "IN PROGRESS" state. If the Form is not in that state, you can change it from the "Change state" button. Then with the "Enter" button you can complete the Form.
Sliding to the left you will be able to see a summary, where you will have the completed answers and the pending ones. Keep in mind that there may be mandatory questions that, if not completed, will make it impossible to send the form. To send it you will have to press the "Complete" button that will advance it to the next state.
Once the form is completed, the reviewer user is notified, who can approve or reject the form. In case of rejecting it, it will return to you for the pertinent corrections with comments about the errors or faults that make the form not approved.

Approve or reject forms ✅

When moving forward with the approval process. We can move forward generally or review the specific questions. Clicking on the status button (in this case, where it says "Sent") will scroll down the possible statuses of the form.

In case of having rejected the form, it may return again to the assigned user to make the corrections or changes proposed by the reviewer user.

In this way our approval is fulfilled and the forms will be available to continue their process as configured.