At Sytex, through the use of Required Documents, we enhance activities by allowing users to configure requirements so that the completion of a task can be carried out.
¿ What can you configure as a required document ?
Any system object you work with can be used as a requirement to complete a task or workflow.
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The information that the system requests will depend on the type of object that you assign to the required document.
An important piece of information to take into account is the status of the required documents. When creating them, we must select the state in which we want it to be when the task becomes completed.
Without this requirement reaching the status configured in the requirement, the task cannot be advanced.
To create a new required document on a task, we will have to go to the 'Required documents' option. Then press the '+' sign indicated with the button in the lower right margin.
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The data to complete are:
1. Type of document
2. Document
3. Required status
In the menu on the left in the configuration of the required document (DR), you will see a tab called Required Information. Pay attention to it since it may contain information that must be completed in order to save the DR.
Creating requirements for a task to be completed is very simple and very useful. Additionally, these documents will serve as a notice so that you do not forget their completion, since when you want to complete the associated task, we will be required to complete it.