Sytex have a lot of functionalities for materials, virtual warehouses, operations and shipments that you can deploy on your projects. In this document we'll explain the meaning and purpose for each system object.
System Objects
Virtual warehouse: location where you can storage stock, you'll be able to create many as you need. It's possible you have several virtual warahouses in the same physical location with separated stock (construction or maitenance warehouse for instance). For Sytex, it's the way to virtualice what happens on field with your organization.
Vista general de un depósito virtual
Material: Allows manage material types, configure characteristics as: code, name, manufacturer, measure unit, critical stock or if allow or not serial number. For serial numbered materials, just it's possible load one unit por line, where you must ingress serial number for mandatory.
General view for a particular material created at Sytex
Material operation: It's a transaction with 2 states on it's default model: To confirm and Confirmed. Contains the detail formaterial to move, reponsibles, related task, etc. Once the operation change to Confirmed by an user, the involved stock impact in the system.
Customization level is main pro for this activty type, given that's possible create them from previously configurated templates.
Sytex have several operation types (entry, movement, return, destruction, site inventory) that can be defined by template, as well as source and destination by default. Even you can set up a custom status flow, with quantity and naming that you prefer for each stage of the operation.
material operation type new materials entry
Full shipment: Prety similar to material operation, it's a transaction type more static as to customization but with more detail over the step by step between it's states. Doesn't allow templates, but have several states that track and save responsible users, date and hour data for each status change, also has details of material to move, related task, etc.
full shipment and it's intermediate states
To start to use this features on Sytex, must consider this 4 simply steps:
Load a list with all material types that you gonna use and identificatory code corresponding to each. Here it's important know if you are using searialized material or not. The import tool on Sytex, will allow you create the entire catalog in a easily and masive way.
Create virtual warehouses. Just by introducing a name you can crate a warehouse. if you have a code or address it will help to avoid confusions when it come to use them.
The material ingress it's made by an "Entry" material operation type, that have just destination as particular detail. You must prepare a sheet by marking material type, quantities, and warehouse where will impact new stock, then run the import with loaded data.
Movement or full shipment it's the activity that you'll use on your projects. The most common operation is to move materials from a warehouse to a site during an installation or maitenance. Also exists other alternative where the stock has it a supplier or user.