Forms Search

At Sytex, working with forms can be very useful as it is possible to document what happens with field work teams. At the same time, teams that are in the office can monitor the progress of work, deployments, and more live!

If you are working on the desktop version of Sytex, to search for forms you can directly access them from the form search:
You can also access the search engine by clicking on some of the widgets dedicated to Sytex forms:

The orange boxes in the previous image display specific information about form progress and assignments. They also serve as 1-click shortcuts to the form search engine with pre-loaded filters based on the information shown in the summary format.

The form search engine has many filters that allow you to narrow down results according to the parameters you need.

After filtering the values you need, you must click on the magnifying glass located on the right so that the system brings results, according to the matches it finds.

To open any of the search results, just click once: