This article is designed so that in as few lines as possible, you understand how workflows work and are managed in Sytex.
What is a workflow?
A workflow or WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) is used to break down a complex process into a set of activities, simplifying monitoring, optimizing times and automating processes.
In Sytex a workflow is made up of a sequence of tasks, each with a certain status, estimated duration, a planned date and a responsible team.
In turn, each task can involve reporting the completion of a simple activity or something much more complex such as: checklist, upload files, complete a form, approve a quote, etc.
Examples: Searching for a candidate site, civil construction and erection of a tower, installation of an FTTH box, obtaining permits and licenses.
How to create a workflow?
Like all objects in Sytex, workflows are created from the + sign, although it is also possible to create them from specific workflow windows. To create one, Sytex asks us for certain minimum data such as: template, project, site or EdR and plan date.
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What functionalities does a workflow have?
We get an overview of the task sequences and the status of each.
Milestones that act as a traffic light giving a quick view of the degree of progress.
Discussion board that summarizes the comments of all the tasks allowing the interaction of the users.
Summary view of documents and associated objects.
Summary view of all files uploaded in the workflow and in its tasks.
Logs that record when and which users made important changes.
What are the states of a workflow?
The workflow states are Active, Completed, Waiting, and Cancelled.
The Active state is automatically generated when the first task in the flow is started.
The Completed state closes automatically when the last task in the flow completes.
The Standby and Canceled states are manually activated by the user.
How to manage workflow tasks?
Workflow tasks are generally thought of as a subdivision of responsibilities between different people or teams in the company, so ideally the flow administrator should configure them so that each one is pre-assigned to a specific role.
We remember that in Sytex, roles are the way to create work teams, where each one has certain permissions to see and/or edit some system objects.