At Sytex, you'll find custom options in order to give a teamwork the possibility to complete tasks by reaching some requirements. This kind of requirements can be, not just system objects, either it's possible to upload files to complete a task.
In case you need upload, delete or download a file on Sytex, first you will have to identify the task that contains the file or the requirement to upload a new one.
Once in the task, you'll see the options to upload, download or delete a file, as the picture below shows:
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This feature it's pretty simple. The requirement for uploading a file, have 4 possible status:
Open: Default status for a file requirement. It's waiting for an user to upload a file.
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Complete: Automatic advance status. Once the file is uploaded, the system move the requirement status from Open to Complete in auto way.
Approved: The file was uploaded on Sytex, and it's waiting for a reviewer approval.
Rejected: Revision status, where the user that uploaded the file can now upload a new version. This action moves back the requirement to Open, being able to repeat the cycle.*
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*In order to made properly this status change, a reject comment it'll be mandatory.