Site Access Request Managment

Sparkles We have a new feature at Sytex that allows make tracking for people in need to enter in company sites.

In a few steps it's possible configure several kinds of site access request types, even automate the approval for each new request.
On the other hand, you can use a Site Access Request as document requeriment in your workflows. Thus, it's possible combine people request to visit a site with the rest of the activities for each teamwork.

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To set access request types, you'll need:

  • Create Site Access Method (how access physically to a site: key, bluetooth padlocks, retina scanner, etc).

  • Create access types: preset the behaviour for each access by creating custom types.
Beside of previous settings, Sytex allows configure other parameters to make possible an auto-approval for an specific request

You'll able to combine previous values in order to obtain major automation and security for each request, based on this class.

Red Exclamation MarkTo consider:

Some useful tips so that accesses can be created by corresponding users and successfully:

  • Pre-load in Sytex sites data base, at least, the access method and/or clients that will be able to request an access:

  • Load the users list authorized to request an access for each client:
Only this users could create a new access for a site asociated to this client.

Wanna have a quick view of requests that you need to approve?

Try with "Site access requests to approve" widget:

In case this widget don't show up on Sytex desktop, you can add it as is follow:

Check with your implementation responsible in Sytex if you have any doubts, need to configure notifications about this requests or any other inquire!

To create new access request, please  visit this link .