EN - Sytex User Manual

Welcome to Sytex! 🎉

Sytex is a platform for the management of technology deployment and maintenance activities, which speeds up the management of processes and works in the field. We work so that every connection is collaborative, agile and effective because we are convinced that a more connected world is a better world.

Our system makes it possible to simplify the way in which organizations build and maintain connectivity networks, empowering the work of each person with tools that promote collaboration, flexibility and continuous improvement on a day-to-day basis.

It is proven that when work teams manage with autonomy and transparency among themselves, they manage to shorten times, reduce errors and reach the end user faster with the best connectivity.

With Sytex it is possible to operate, install and document in an agile and simple way.

What problems does Sytex solve? 🤔🤔

Telecommunications projects have different problems that hinder the optimal management, operation and implementation of each activity. As the main problem we can find the management of a large volume of activities and materials in the field. Thousands of boxes and for each one: photos, measurements, materials and coordinates, they are a nightmare when it comes to sending the assignments to the field staff and verifying that everything is executed correctly.

They are usually projects where there will be a large number of people, hundreds or thousands of network elements to install or maintain, material management and a deployment plan to comply with. This generates that there are too many errors in the field, that the processes are difficult to modify and that the planning and execution are really complex.

With Sytex App you can work in the field with all the information available about your activities: location, requirements, forms and more. Every activity is synced in real time so the whole team is always connected to what's new.

You will be able to manage activities, documents and finances in one place, increasing the traceability of all the activities of the organization, eliminating excel spreadsheets and isolated records to unite the entire team in a single source of information. You will also have absolute control of materials and stock to be able to carry out a precise follow-up from its arrival at the warehouse to its installation. You will be able to approve or reject the works live and record metrics for each stage to avoid rework and speed up commissioning.

What are the most used modules in Sytex?

Sytex modules are designed to develop and deploy projects in an agile and simple way. You will be able to use each of these features and track your activities in one place: manage Projects, Forms, Network, Sites, Resources, Companies, Deposit, Accounting and Reports.

  • Activities: allows access to Tasks, Forms, Workflows, Stoppers, Complete shipments, Material operation, Chat Panel, Projects.
  • Locations: the elements related to geographical locations are grouped under this tab: Sites, Network Elements, Clients, Engineering and Engineering Forms.
  • Accounting: allows you to work with all the elements related to project accounting: Budgets, Quotes, Purchase and Sales Orders, Receptions, Invoices, etc.
  • Reports: useful summary that can be filtered and updated in real time from different system modules: Forms, Workflows, Accounting, Material Stock, Licenses, Equipment monitoring reports and Chat events.

What type of information is stored in Sytex? 🗂

All the documentation and information collected from each project is made available in Sytex, leaving everything stored in the cloud, accessible at any time from anywhere.
Files can be uploaded and you can use a form that collects data even with multimedia.

How do activities and templates work in Sytex?

Sytex is based on processes that can be repeated. For this to be the case, we have Templates that make it possible for the processes that we put together, both from tasks such as WBS, forms and engineering templates, to be saved and used again in new projects. A well-designed template allows data to be sorted and normalized, helps field staff to correctly understand the steps they need to take and not forget any, since completing all the questions is a necessary condition to submit the form.
To achieve success and avoid implementation resistance, you must build an agile template, with the right balance of information and always be open to improvements: the point of view of the field staff must always be appreciated.